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The idea that we still have a representative form of government
based on the constitution has turned into a myth



By BOB HEGAMIN March 25, 2000

"The republican form of government in the United States is alive and well", or so they say. Unfortunately for the American people, the statement is a lie. In fact, one threat to the "republican form of government" is from within government itself. The "alive and well" myth persists encouraged by the very elected officials who are violating federal or state constitutions and destroying the nation. When exposed, they are most easily identified by the quick retort they use to deflect or discourage any criticism. It generally goes something like this: "If you don't like what I'm doing, you can always vote me out at the next election". It is a true but simplistic option, considering the next election for the official could be more than three years away.

The "republican form of government" can mean only one thing, stemming from the definition of:

Republic -- a state in which the supreme power rests in the body of the citizens entitled to vote and is exercised by representatives chosen directly or indirectly by them. (Webster's College Dictionary, Random House, Inc New York, 1991)

Yet, "citizens" have stood by and watched some of their elected representatives violate the Constitution. These perpetrators don't acknowledge violations as "violations" but argue, instead, that the Constitution is a "living document" and therefore subject to revision. Consequently, they rule by laws that purposely defy and mock legal challenges on constitutional grounds. But the judicial, as the third branch of government, has the constitutional obligation to "check" the other two in such cases. Instead, the courts appear to consistently rule for government and against the "people". It follows then, by default the "people" are now the only defenders of the Constitution.

Local officials "bury" their violations in anonymity - generally exposed too late for people to prevent or remedy. The stratagem, as a microcosm, is detailed in part by the following examples.

The prepared lies of candidates for political office. An official elected on a foundation of lies is not what the framers of the Constitution had contemplated for the nation's future. Representing the people is paramount. Lying to gain political power for any other purpose is fraud. Despite the practice, the courts today continue to allow candidates to mislead the voter during an election campaign.

The refusal by elected officials to accept laws as written. It is the goal of some officials to further any agenda by whatever means, circumventing existing laws rather than complying with them. In other words, they manipulate laws to avoid limiting or derailing their own agenda and ambitions. It explains why people "can't fight City Hall", and why the platitude that "This is a nation of laws" is a lie. Laws are what elected officials say they are - a ploy used to defuse arguments of citizens fighting government abuse.

The concept of citizen participation as defined by elected officials. The ballyhooed citizen participation in government is a "scam". The plan has given some officials, for example, the excuse they need to create special civilian task forces and agencies without "civilians", or hold public hearings without the "public". In essence and with disdain, such elected officials have robbed their constituents of their constitutional representation.

This complacent nation is playing the same deadly game that toppled other great nations. In their time, incompetent and unethical "power-hungry" pretenders gradually replaced competent and ethical leaders, put themselves "above the law", and condoned abuses which escalated into insurmountable problems. Their nations toppled. It's happening here and now .